A People’s Guide to Orange County Part 2


December 12, 2023. Tuesday, 2 PM on KPFK 90.7 FM in Southern California. Part 2 of my sit-down with the three remarkable writers behind the landmark A People's Guide to Orange County. It's just fun to say! Imagine, an alternative tour guide, revisionist history, and empowering retelling of the county famous for its reactionary politics, lately with a new profile. Think Howard Zinn meets Huell Howser, with maps, artifacts, photographs. I host authors Elaine Lewinnek, Thuy Vo Dang and Gustavo Arellano in the first of three conversations for this December Fund Drive series.

Listen live on the radio at KPFK 90.7 FM in Southern California or streaming at KPFK.org. Or play whenever you like at the station's audio archives or at BibliocracyRadio.org. Thanks for listening. Please support listener-sponsored radio KPFK with a donation today.


Listen to full episode :


A People’s Guide to Orange County Part 3


A People’s Guide to Orange County Part 1