Luis Alberto Urrea on Into the Beautiful North (2010)


Tuesday, August 13, at 2 PM on KPFK, another “best of” from the Bibliocracy archives, edited to include a special Fund Drive reminder that Bibliocracy has been delivering terrific authors and interviews and readings since 2008. Today, my 2010 interview with Luis Alberto Urrea on his smart, funny, sincerely moving Into the Beautiful North, a comic and woman-centered take on the classic film The Magnificent Seven by way of a border adventure story with a twist. It’s a sort of alternative version of his award-winning nonfiction classic The Devil’s Highway but with a light, humorous, humane touch

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Thanks to the Community of Writers for production help, and for hosting Bibliocracy Radio as a podcast. For more on the Community of Writers, please visit its website:


Listen to full episode :


Victoria Patterson on Drift (2009)


Dylan Landis on Normal People Don’t Live Like This