Steve Wasserman: Tell Me Something, Tell Me Anything, Even If It’s a Lie Pt 2
Tuesday, October 15, at 2 PM on KPFK, my guest for part 2 of a three-part series is Steve Wasserman, the legendary editor, publisher, writer, agent, and arts and literature advocate with decades of experience and engagement and friendships which are now ours to read about in his essential collection, Tell Me Something,Tell Me Anything,Even If It’s a Lie: A Memoir in Essays, thirty essays including reviews, journalism, memoir, celebrations, profiles (Tom Hayden, Robert Scheer, Susan Sontag, Gore Vidal) interviews and meditations from a man of letters, from Berkeley to Cuba to art and, always, chronicling the culture and failures and ambitions of the American Left. The book is out now from Heyday, California’s premiere nonprofit publisher.
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Thanks to the Community of Writers for production help, and for hosting Bibliocracy Radio as a podcast. For more on the Community of Writers, please visit its website:
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