Peter Carr: “Artist for Survival”

 Survival Sunday II 1979 


Tuesday, September 17, at 2 PM on KPFK, a program celebrating a long-ago artist and writer whose work I am curating at an upcoming gallery show. Today I read his self-published book, Aliso Creek, a singular and defining introduction to the work of Peter Carr (1925-1981) and invite listeners to visit the late October show I am helping curate at Cerritos College Art Gallery. Below find the announcement of the show, a gratifying and celebratory moment in my long struggle to bring interest and attention to the art and activism of a teacher who influenced me and thousands who took his classes at CSU Long Beach or were involved in the grassroots anti-nuclear struggles of the Southern California Alliance for Survival, Artists for Survival, Seal Beach Nuclear Action Group and many more groups with whom Peter organized and for which he composed posters —- beyond producing thousands of paintings, drawings and a dozen books of poetry, writing and art.

For more on his work and the upcoming October 28-December 13 show, see this short feature at Citric Acid ,and check out the Cerritos College Gallery website.

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Thanks to the Community of Writers for production help, and for hosting Bibliocracy Radio as a podcast. For more on the Community of Writers, please visit its website:


Listen to full episode :


Jackie Wu: On the Front Lines of Democracy