Andrew Tonkovich Andrew Tonkovich

Celebrating Al Young - Pt. 3

August 8, 2023. Celebrating Al Young. Today I present the first in a Fund Drive series remembering Al Young, onetime poet laureate of California. The writer, poet, singer, teacher, musicologist and self-described bluesman passed away in 2021 but friends assembled this summer in Berkeley to remember him. Today’s edited highlights include a recording of Al himself, recollections from his son Michael Young, and music from the legendary jazz duo Tuck & Patti. Please support KPFK with a donation today.

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Andrew Tonkovich Andrew Tonkovich

Celebrating Al Young - Pt. 2

August 8, 2023. Celebrating Al Young. Today I present the first in a Fund Drive series remembering Al Young, onetime poet laureate of California. The writer, poet, singer, teacher, musicologist and self-described bluesman passed away in 2021 but friends assembled this summer in Berkeley to remember him. Today’s edited highlights include a recording of Al himself, recollections from his son Michael Young, and music from the legendary jazz duo Tuck & Patti. Please support KPFK with a donation today.

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Andrew Tonkovich Andrew Tonkovich

Celebrating Al Young

August 8, 2023. Celebrating Al Young. Today I present the first in a Fund Drive series remembering Al Young, onetime poet laureate of California. The writer, poet, singer, teacher, musicologist and self-described bluesman passed away in 2021 but friends assembled this summer in Berkeley to remember him. Today’s edited highlights include a recording of Al himself, recollections from his son Michael Young, and music from the legendary jazz duo Tuck & Patti. Please support KPFK with a donation today.

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Andrew Tonkovich Andrew Tonkovich

Performance edition featuring Gregory Tower & Kristen Leigh Schwarz

May 23, 2023. This week, a special “performance edition” of the show in which I present readings by two contributors to the most recent issue of the West Coast journal I edit, the Santa Monica Review. The spring 2023 issue includes fiction and nonfiction, and I’ll play readings by the authors of two short stories taped recently at Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Foundation in Venice, CA. Gregory Tower and Kristen Leigh Schwarz are both heartbreakingly, sardonically, vividly smart and funny writers. Gregory Tower reads in full his “Riding in Cars with Joy,” a meaningfully wry adventure tale involving the real-life writer Joy Williams. Gregory Tower has worked as an LA bookseller and earned his MFA from UC Riverside Palm Desert. Then, an excerpt from “Breaking Ground” by Kristen Leigh Schwarz, about the 1994 Northridge earthquake, returning home, and abandoned love, with plenty of self-conscious if painful humor. Kristen Leigh Schwarz earned an MFA from UC Irvine with previous work in One Story, The American Literary Review and Collateral. Here she reads from the beginning of “Broken Ground.” Special thanks to Eric Ahlberg for recording. Copies of the latest issue of the Santa Monica Review are available at Southern California area bookstores or online at the SMR website

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Andrew Tonkovich Andrew Tonkovich

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

May 16, 2023. This week on Bibliocracy Radio, I deliver a report from the recent Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, where nearly 150,000 came out to hear readings, meet authors, attend panels and buy books. I spoke with representatives of four literary outfits I admire, and share my audio dispatch. My guests, in order of appearance: Steve Wasserman of the legendary Heyday Books, a nonprofit with a focus on West Coast writing approaching fifty years of education and activism. Beth Spotswood of the amazing Alta journal,committed to chronicling our state through prose, poetry, arts criticism, photography,and journalism. Next is Brittany Cain, from Indianapolis, Indiana where she works with the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library. Finally, closer to home, I speak with Marco Beltran, of 826 LA, the tutoring center, time-travel themed bookstore and nonprofit community resource.

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Andrew Tonkovich Andrew Tonkovich

Jeff Dietrich on Reluctant Resister Part 2

May 2, 2023. This week on Bibliocracy Radio on KFPK 90.7 FM in Southern California, Part II with Jeff Dietrich on the 40th anniversary reprint edition of his landmark book of prison letters. His Reluctant Resister, a classic of nonviolent resistance literature, is a defining example of the letters of a prisoner of conscience. Loyola Marymount Institute has just reissued the book. We talk, and he reads from i, including a section early on in his incarceration, and also a kind of literary and spiritual and political origin story. By turns thoughtful and humorous, the letters are a memoir, meditation, documentary account, and philosophical interrogation of the war machine and the carceral state by a sincere and strong person of faith who challenged authority, took its punishment but ultimately, won.

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