Remembering Uncle Ruthie Part I

Uncle Ruthie (Ruth Ellen Buell 1930-2023)


March 7, 2023. This week on Bibliocracy Radio, Uncle Ruthie Buell, KPFK’s longest running on-air voice. She died last month. Her Halfway Down the Stairs program exemplified the best of our station; her award-winning songs and poetry brought joy and courage. For Women’s History Month, this year themed, yes, “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories,” join me in remembering, celebrating, and singing along with songwriter, performer, storyteller, activist Uncle Ruthie in a special rebroadcast of part one of my 2013 conversation with her. I’ll share part two next week, and include the link to my OC Weekly column on her published at about the same time as I recorded with Ruthie in Studio C at KPFK:

Thanks for supporting listener-supported Pacifica Radio KPFK 90.7 FM for all of Southern California. Please donate today in memory and celebration of Uncle Ruthie!



Listen to full episode :


Uncle Ruthie Part I I


Keenan Norris on Chi Boy