Uncle Ruthie Part I I
March 14, 2023. This week on Bibliocracy Radio, Part II of my 2013 conversation --- including reading and song --- with the late Uncle Ruthie Buell. Uncle Ruthie was a teacher, activist, singer-songwriter, poet and exuberant advocate. She hosted the excellent family show Halfway Down the Stairs for half a century, on KPFK --- where else? Check out her CDs The Jacaranda Tree and The Mystery of Time, and her poetry collection Come to My Voice. Thanks for listening. We miss you, Uncle Ruthie!
Here's a review, and an appreciation by another friend, the singer-songwriter and activist Ross Altman. https://folkworks.org/.../uncle-ruthie-buell-the.../
Thanks for supporting listener-supported Pacifica Radio KPFK 90.7 FM for all of Southern California.
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